We’ve discussed some basic procedures that can simplify your pre-sale workflow, but as you know, that’s only the beginning. Here are some post-sale workflow procedures that can simplify your workflow as well.
Present with Pizzazz
By using a software like ProSelect, you can present your images in actual size, in various combinations and even build virtual art products right before your clients’ eyes. You can also create a pleasant and more emotionally-charged sales experience by creating a slideshow of all the images, set to a tranquil song or two. This can be personalized with custom title and end slides to feature the client’s name and your studio logo.
Once your client places their order, create a ‘work in progress’ or WIP bin on your imaging desk, where orders can be filed according to their due date with the ones due soonest at the front. Make an Imaging file on your computer, and create a WIP file within it, which contains a file for each client’s order.
Once you have prepared all the images and art products, send them to the lab and save the client’s WIP folder to another file in your Imaging folder, named ‘Sent to Lab’. Then burn this folder to a disk and label it with the date, client’s name, and ‘sent to lab’. You can create a bin on your imaging desk called STL, where the client folder and STL disk can be stored until the portraits and products arrive from the lab.
Take time to create a polished finished product, from framing down to the packaging you deliver everything in. Be sure to sign your name, or the photographer’s name to every portrait before packaging and delivery. If you find that you are always rushing to meet deadlines at this stage in the game, move them out to give you more time. Most clients will not be surprised at a three to four week delay between placing their order and receiving it.
When your client comes to pick up their order, be sure to present it to them personally, if possible. Thank them for their business, let them take a look at everything and offer to have someone help them out to their car if their order is bulky or they have small children with them. This kind of extra effort will leave a lasting impression with your clients and have them returning and referring friends. These workflow basics might seem like extra work, or they might seem like common sense. In either case, they are absolutely essential and they can be easy to forget. Consider creating a manual with both pre- and post-sale workflow procedures outlined in detail for easy reference. I hope these tips will help you have a substantially quicker and more effective workflow process.
Warmly, Sandy Puc'